Monday 7 October 2024

Magazine Demographics

Magazine demographics             

Age: 7-40 -  The magazine is targeted of audience of this age because 7 years old is when children start to realise what they enjoy and 40 years old is when adults stop thinking about football because their body cannot keep up the high working rate you need to play a match or train.

Gender: Male - Majority of people find Men's football more entertaining this has been proved and more men play football.

Education: High School / University - This stage in peoples lives is where they decide what they are going to do and develop their skills and practice. When you have a job on the other hand you will have no time for football in most cases.

Social class: Lower or middle - Rich people usually have their money based on a investment or a business that they want their children to carry on so if they give that up for football it is quite rare and when people don't have much money children especially they get hope when they see that they can play football as they look up to huge footballers.

Race/Ethnicity: Everywhere - Football is very popular everywhere s parents encourage it because it helps kids have hope and not spend too much time inside so it is well known everywhere and lots of children play football and it is not a sport where you have to own big and expensive things you only need a football.

Profession: Students - This  is when children hit puberty witch leads to them either needing time off things that have been on their mind or want to enjoy and they grow in height and become stronger also this is the time where being in a football club is important as there are lots of scouts. 

Home: City or Village - People in city's usually go to university as in city's there is much better education rather than a village or somewhere small.

Monday 30 September 2024

My First Analysis - Stranger Things

Point: The opening of stranger things establishes the lighting as essential for recognising tense and scary moments in the series.

Evidence: We know this because we see the lights begin to flicker and change brightness, when characters seen panicked.

Explanation: This has connotations of chaos and uncontrollability as the lights appear to react to what's happening around them.

Thursday 12 September 2024


Foundation Media 1

1.) I see a child and that he looks sad .

Its saying that instead of waiting until something happens like death for some people try help prevent it before it happens by building toilets .

It makes the reader feel bad because they put a child on the screen and it is shown to make people feel sorry more for a child than a person so this why they have done this.

Its gonna make the audience want to do something about this problem where people out there have no toilets so they will donate.

This advert is aimed at kids probably as most kids have watched ninja turtles.



 Foundation Media 1

 1.)   My favourite topic in Media is Music.

2.) I use my Phone the most.

3.) I might use 3 Hours of my day on screens depending on the day.

4.) The last thing I watched was Despicable Me 4.

5.) I listen to music on Spotify.

6.) I play Rl,Fortnite,Valorant,and Call of Duty.

7.) Snapchat because I can text people easier .

8.) It could be positive depending on what you use it for.

Magazine Demographics

Magazine demographics              Age: 7-40 -  The magazine is targeted of audience of this age because 7 years old is when children start ...